France takes huge step against Pakistan; revokes visas of 183 nationals

France takes huge step against Pakistan; revokes visas of 183 nationals

Amid the row over French President Emmanuel Macron's comments regarding Islamophobia, and subsequent remarks from Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, the former has once again made it clear that it will not bow down to the pressure on Islamic countries. France has revoked the visitor visas of 183 Pakistani nationals, including relatives of Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, former chief of Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI. 

Not only this, but France has also forcibly deported 118 Pakistanis. This action of Macron government is directly linked to the anti-French rhetoric of Imran Khan.

Confirming this news, the Pakistan Consulate in Paris has requested France to allow the former ISI Chief's sister to stay temporarily as she has come to France to see her sick mother-in-law. Pakistan claims that the 118 nationals have been forcibly deported despite having valid documents. It says it is in contact with the French authorities in this regard.

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